News — Pollinators

British bee guide: how to identify, where to spot, and how to attract bees to your garden

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Our bee guide looks at how to identify common British species, best places to spot and plants to grow to attract bees to your garden, plus what to do if you see a struggling bee. What is the role of bees? Bees are vital in the life-cycle of a plant, due to pollination. This process is essential because it allows plants to reproduce, and many plants depend on bees or other pollinators to survive. A bee will collect nectar and pollen from the flower of a plant, as well as some from the stamens – the male reproductive organ of...

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Plenty of backyards are doubling as an enticing bed-and-breakfast

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For bees. Specifically, native solitary bees who fly solo and don’t reside in hives. After a productive day quietly flitting around flowers, savoring nectar, and performing an essential ecological service, these precious pollinators appreciate a nice place to settle down. Maybe lay eggs. Some thoughtful people are happy to hook them up with lodging — an easy way to help out the bee population. Bee Houses Especially in areas where natural nesting sites are limited, artificial likenesses of natural sites are definitely alluring to insects seeking shelter. “Bee houses provide the often-missing component of what the bees need — nesting...

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