Critical Emergency Supplies that Can Save Your Life.
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Be Prepared to Survive. What are the best emergency supplies to have on hand? How to be prepared to survive a major disaster with the right emergency supplies.
Whether its economic survival, whether it’s a natural disaster, terrorism.or a Pandemic
Whether it’s natural or man-made, if the SHTF you better have a plan. Most families have about three days worth of food in their pantries, maybe a week if they stretch it. After that your bellies will be empty.
Protect your family now before the next disaster strikes. Nowadays, the chance of needing emergency supplies to survive an emergency is on a fast increase around the world.Civil unrest can also follow in a disaster’s footsteps… Today, millions of refugees around the world have been displaced by war and are flooding into Europe and being welcomed into other nations (creating a second danger in many ways due to the fact that terrorist supporters are reportedly fleeing alongside refugees). If that’s not bad enough, all signs seem to be pointing to a major catastrophe striking at some point in the months or years ahead, possibly at the hands of a terrorist group with a nuclear weapon or even an electro-magnetic pulse attack (EMP) that knocks out the power grid for good.
The first thing to go in the onset of an emergency is the food and water.
We’ve discussed basic emergency planning before, and if the examples from just the past three months aren’t enough, then there’s probably nothing we can suggest that will convince you to take responsibility for yourself and your family and stock a reserve supply of essentials.
Emergencies and disasters don’t just happen on TV, in the news. They happen to real people just like you:
Hawaii Tsunami: Supermarket, Gas Lines as Pacific Rim Braces for Tsunami
Chilean Earthquake: Is it Looting? Victims Search for Food, Water, Gas, Emergency Supplies, Ingredients for Bread
UK Snowstorm: Winter Panic in UK: Store Shelves Stripped
Haiti Earthquake: Red Cross Out of Medical Supplies in Haiti
East Coast Snowstorm: Snowpocalypse: Why Being Prepared is a Good Idea
Venezuela Currency Devaluation: Venezuelans Scramble to Buy Goods as Chavez Devalues Currency 50%
Some Reserve Food Tips
One of the issues that many people have about prepping is a lack of funds. While this is certainly an important consideration, preparing a ten to fourteen day supply of food should not do too much damage to your budget.
For those first two weeks there is no need to go crazy with freeze dried goods or MRE’s, though these are excellent supplements to dry goods storage (especially the eggs & ham combo and some freeze dried meats). Simply make a list of dry goods that your family consumes regularly – our kids are big fans of mac & cheese, nuts, crackers and cereals. Incorporate this into your two week reserves along with things like rice, pinto beans, dehydrated milk, and canned meats (vienna sausages, chicken, tuna, salmon, ham).
For food selection when preparing a reserve food supply, most of the foods should be those that your family eats regularly so that you can rotate it right into your existing food preparation. As you use up rice or beans, or soup cans and crackers, just add them to the next grocery list. Doing this makes your reserve food supply a one-time cost.
And be sure to have water. This is even more important than food and you can stock 25 gallons for under $35 (Run down to the Home Depot and pick up five x 5 gallon spring water today and it’s one less thing to worry about).
Finally, if you are storing dry goods that require cooking, consider preparation methods. Do you have a gas grill or charcoal grill? Stock up on some extra fuel today.
Don’t have a grill? Consider a Rocket Stove for under $50. You can boil water in about 15 minutes with some twigs from the backyard or charcoal if you have it handy.
It’s easy to create an SHTF Plan. Consider those items critical to survival first, and go from there.
For under $200 you can feel comfortable knowing that you do, in fact, have a survival plan, albeit a basic one.
You’ll of course want to make preparations for evacuation routes along with evac checklists in the event of something like a hurricane, tsunami, earthquake or terror attack. Don’t underestimate the power of panic – when the SHTF everyone in your household, including you, will probably be stressed out. Having a checklist (they take maybe 10 minutes to put together) will make it easy for you to get all of your important belongings packed into the car and get your family out the door while the rest of the city is rushing grocery stores full of empty shelves.
Finally, in regards to evacuations – remember the gas. If you don’t have reserve gas stored, or it is prohibitive because of cost or safety, then just keep your car(s) filled.
Dried Food, Non-Perishable Food
How much do you need?
Here’s the short answer: Have enough food on hand for at least a month which will involve stocking up on a number of food items. Particularly, you’ll want to look into dry foods because they last the longest, when stored correctly (away from heat and sunlight). Large containers of dried beans, various types of rice, canned or powdered milk, and anything else you can find will be beneficial. The most important thing to consider is that if you’re going to survive off non-perishable food for a lengthy period of time that you get adequate nutrition.
Based on the items you’ve stocked up on, put together a daily diet plan that produces the vitamins and minerals you need in the appropriate amounts to stay healthy. Stocking up on quality multi-vitamins is a good idea also, as many canned foods or processed non-perishable foods may fall short of supplying sufficient nutritional needs. There are additional strategies you can use to choose the right foods for long term food storage such as a variety of easy to prepare meals by Augason Farms or other bulk suppliers.
Fishing Gear
To be better prepared, you should have multiple methods for procuring food, and that includes good fishing gear that you know how to use. Today, don’t just buy any standard fishing pole; buy yourself a pole that can reel in a big fish, like a salmon pole; take some lessons in fishing, and also fly-fishing, depending on your area.
Talk to experienced guides (many own bait shops or gear shops, and some are employed by large sporting goods stores, such as Cabelas or Bass Pro Shops) and take plenty of notes, and then take the time today to put those notes to the test. Get an assortment of hooks, and definitely have a large supply of small hooks (hint: small hooks can be used to catch both bigger fish and small fish; big fish will bite a small hook; small fish will never bite a hook that’s too big).
Emergency Supplies For Your Home
Some people are very concerned about the prospect of disasters we are facing in the modern day and spending hundreds or thousands of dollars at a time on emergency survival food. Whether or not that’s you, you’re going to want tools that make cooking and serving food “off grid” as easy as possible. That means turning to plastic bowls and plates (thick plastic bowls and plates intended to be reused).
Prepping For Prescription Medication
Because most prescription medications come with strict limits on quantity and refills, just doing what you’ve always done is not likely to get you the stockpile (emergency reserves) you’re likely to need in a time of widespread disaster.Here are a few things you can do right now to prepare for the possibility of infrastructure collapsing and your neighborhood pharmacy closing its doors for good.
Is Your Condition Treatable By Natural Methods?
First, ask yourself an important question: Can your condition be treated by natural methods?An entire industry exists today on good nutrition and health and how by the use of specific foods, herbs, and supplements chronic conditions can be put in reverse — even healed. How is this possible? We know a lot more about human biology today and how vitamins and minerals play specific roles in allowing the body to do best what it was designed to do — which is to heal itself of injury while protecting from disease and illness.
The tips listed above are just a start and are the most basic considerations that should be made by those who have, up to this point, taken no steps to create a survival plan.
It’s no secret that our best and brightest are a bit misguided (some would say brainwashed), and it’s because they’re only getting half of the story (ok, maybe like 1/100th of the story).
Here’s an excerpt from President Trump commencement speech :
“Government .. is the roads we drive on and the speed limits that keep us safe. It’s the men and women in the military, the inspectors in our mines, the pioneering researchers in public universities.”
Yes, government is those things, and I must admit, there’s nothing better than a paved road when you drive a POS like the Mac Mobile (made in South Korea circa 1999 – hey, it helps me keep a low profile and I’m payment free!).
But, the President left out a few things. Not to worry, however, because Neal Boortz finished up what President speech should have been:
Government is forcing you to buy health insurance. Government is seizing your money with a vague promise you’ll get some of it back at a negative rate of return if you live long enough to retire. Government is seizing your home because some developer promises to build something on what once was your property that will deliver more property taxes.
Government is finding you in an airport with too much cash in your pocket, seizing that cash and telling you that you’re just flat out of luck. Government is forcing you to pay an employee more than that person is worth to your business, and then telling you that you cannot pay a top level executive what he IS worth. Government is (or will be) health care rationing.
Government is telling you that you cannot invest your own money in a business venture you find promising. Government is charging you with a federal crime if you pick an eagle feather up you see lying on the ground. Government is telling you that you cannot use property that you own because it might – just might – be a nifty habitat for some esoteric mouse that, by the way, has never been actually seen anywhere near your property.
Government is telling you that you cannot advertise a home with a “walk-in closet” because the phrase “walk-in” discriminates against people in wheel chairs. Oh … and government is spending over a billion dollars of taxpayer money a year on electric scooters for lard asses who are simply tired of hauling their massive selves to the bingo game down at the community hall.
Government is allowing teacher’s unions to control the education of our children. Government is forcing the top 1% of income earners to pay 40% of all personal income taxes while allowing the bottom 50% of income earners to become net tax consumers. Government is chasing businesses and jobs overseas with confiscatory taxation.
Government is creating a financial meltdown by encouraging and then virtually guaranteeing hideously bad mortgages by the tens of millions … and then blaming Wall Street when it all turns into s#!t stew. Government is owning General Motors.
Government is ignoring the law and giving unions advantages in bankruptcy proceedings. Government is flying elected officials all over the globe on meaningless junkets while demonizing corporate executives who dare make use of private aircraft.
Government is taxing a man his entire working life, and then coming back for half of what he has left when he dies. All of this and Obama tells the grads that “government is the roads we drive on.” Only a freshly minted college grad would buy a load of waste material like that.
It’s no secret that our best and brightest are a bit misguided (some would say brainwashed), and it’s because they’re only getting half of the story (ok, maybe like 1/100th of the story).
Here’s an excerpt from President Obama’s commencement speech at the University of Michigan:
“Government .. is the roads we drive on and the speed limits that keep us safe. It’s the men and women in the military, the inspectors in our mines, the pioneering researchers in public universities.”
Yes, government is those things, and I must admit, there’s nothing better than a paved road when you drive a POS like the Mac Mobile (made in South Korea circa 1999 – hey, it helps me keep a low profile and I’m payment free!).
Government is forcing you to buy health insurance. Government is seizing your money with a vague promise you’ll get some of it back at a negative rate of return if you live long enough to retire. Government is seizing your home because some developer promises to build something on what once was your property that will deliver more property taxes.
Government is finding you in an airport with too much cash in your pocket, seizing that cash and telling you that you’re just flat out of luck. Government is forcing you to pay an employee more than that person is worth to your business, and then telling you that you cannot pay a top level executive what he IS worth.
Government is (or will be) health care rationing.
Government is telling you that you cannot invest your own money in a business venture you find promising.
Government is charging you with a federal crime if you pick an eagle feather up you see lying on the ground.
Government is telling you that you cannot use property that you own because it might – just might – be a nifty habitat for some esoteric mouse that, by the way, has never been actually seen anywhere near your property.
Government is telling you that you cannot advertise a home with a “walk-in closet” because the phrase “walk-in” discriminates against people in wheel chairs. Oh … and government is spending over a billion dollars of taxpayer money a year on electric scooters for lard asses who are simply tired of hauling their massive selves to the bingo game down at the community hall.
Government is allowing teacher’s unions to control the education of our children. Government is forcing the top 1% of income earners to pay 40% of all personal income taxes while allowing the bottom 50% of income earners to become net tax consumers.
Government is chasing businesses and jobs overseas with confiscatory taxation.
Government is creating a financial meltdown by encouraging and then virtually guaranteeing hideously bad mortgages by the tens of millions … and then blaming Wall Street when it all turns into s#!t stew.
Government is owning General Motors. Government is ignoring the law and giving unions advantages in bankruptcy proceedings. Government is flying elected officials all over the globe on meaningless junkets while demonizing corporate executives who dare make use of private aircraft.
Government is taxing a man his entire working life, and then coming back for half of what he has left when he dies. All of this and Trump tells the grads that “government is the roads we drive on.” Only a freshly minted college grad would buy a load of waste material like that.
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Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)
Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )
Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)
Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)
Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )
Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)
Survive Any Crisis (Best Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)
Survive The End Days(Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)
Drought USA(Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)
The post Why A Survival Plan Is A Good Idea And Some Reserve Food Tips appeared first on PrepperFortress.
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