DIY Topsy Turvy Tomato® Planter

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DIY Topsy Turvy

When we lived in California we could grow tomatoes without even trying! Our tomato plants would get so big that the hubster would have to tie them up to 6 foot steel rebar stakes. One summer we canned over 50 quarts of tomatoes!

Unfortunately, since moving to Utah, it’s been a whole different story! I can hardly grow a good tomato to save my LIFE here! It’s been frustrating to say the least. The growing season is just so short here. I haven’t figured out a way to make it work.

Topsy Turvy

But of course I’m entirely too stubborn to give up, so a couple of days ago I decided to try a new approach! I decided to try my hand at a DIY version of the popular infomercial product..the Topsy Turvy® Upside Down Tomato Planter.

To be quite honest, even if I was willing to pay $19.99 for one of those things (which I’m not), I wouldn’t do it because I just think they look sorta cheesey.  (No offense to the Topsy Turvey owners out there!) Of course what I came up with doesn’t look a WHOLE lot better…but at least it didn’t cost anywhere NEAR $20. As a matter of fact, I think it ended up costing less than $4.00 including the large tomato plant!

Most of the versions I saw of this online were made in a 5-gallon buckets, but I decided to go the plastic garbage can route instead. It wasn’t quite as big and it wasn’t quite as heavy.

In less than 20 minutes I had an upside down hanging tomato planter that I have HIGH HOPES will be the answer to my tomato-growing woes in Utah!

How To Make Your Own Upside-Down Tomato Planter

What you’ll need:

  • A tomato plant or seedling.
  • A plastic container or bucket.
  • A drill or knife for cutting the hole in the bottom
  • Twine, wire or something similar.
  • Potting soil mix

DIY Topsy Turvy

Turn the trash can upside down and drill a hole in the center of the bottom. The hole should be about 3? in diameter.

DIY Topsy Turvy

DIY Topsy Turvy

Turn your tomato plant upside down and guide it through the hole.

DIY Topsy Turvy

Fill the upside-down trash can with enough potting soil to cover the roots of the upside-down tomato plant plus a few more inches.

DIY Topsy Turvy

Drill small holes on each side of the trash can and thread enough twine through to make a handle.

DIY Topsy Turvy

Photos by Anna Gleave

Hang your new DIY planter from an S-hook on a sturdy structure or a strong tree branch.  Make sure you place in an area that gets plenty of sun!

DIY Topsy Turvy

Water the plant well and frequently.

Then stand back and cross your fingers yours will SOMEDAY look like this……………………

DIY Topsy Turvy

What are YOUR secrets for growing tomatoes?

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