It’s the Little Things #79
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Happy Friday! It’s time for some little things from this week. It doesn’t feel like Easter week but I am heading down to the basement to pull out some decorations and baskets and we’ll do church via livestream this weekend. I hope you’re well and hanging in there. My hope is that these posts spark a little something with you, give you an idea or solve a problem for you too. It might be a quote, a print, what I’m reading, a favorite podcast, a playlist, a recipe, a helpful tip, a cleaning product, or something I added to our home. Basically if it’s something little that I feel is shareable or if it’s something I’d bring up to a friend over coffee or on the phone, I’m probably going to share it with you here. Here’s a link to all of the posts in this series.
I really enjoyed listening to Young House Love’s Podcast this week (I listen every week) but this one was extra fun to listen to. They go through their 4 step process for downsizing. I’m a process person so when I can hear details about someone’s process for something like moving and downsizing, it’s fascinating to me. They are relocating from Virginia to Florida and selling multiple homes in the process – it’s a good one! Check it out here.
image via Young House Love
As someone that is really annoyed with cords – I usually use a zip tie to corral them, but then the cord is still on the ground. I saw this product on The Organized Home and I just think this is such a neat product. It can be used as a hook or a plant hanger too.
image via The Organized Home
I loved this blog post from Andrea Dekker – she shares 5 tips to stretch your groceries for 2-3 weeks (while eating fruit and veggies). This is timely and she shares some great ideas including buying, sorting, and prepping food that you can implement right now.
image via Andrea Dekker
I contributed to an article for Mind Body Green all about how to do laundry at home if you don’t have a machine. Perfect for right now especially if you don’t want to frequent a laundromat right now.
I’m also sharing my Nightly Sink Scrub recipe on the Redfin blog – go here to read the post on how to DIY your own cleaners.
I am so excited to share that CLEANING CLASS is coming back next week – mark your planners and calendars! I have done a few sessions of CLEANING CLASS before, but my hope is that this session is going to come at a time when you need a little encouragement and a simple, do-able plan for your home. Go to this post to get all the details!
Did you see the Spring Edition of Clean Mama Quarterly? Little habits, small acts, things that seemingly have no impact on anyone outside of our homes but they mean so much. I wanted to bring you something NEW, different and a little pause in your season. That’s how the Clean Mama Quarterly began. I find that this helps me slow down so I have time to do some of the things that are really important. You know the things that make life fun and memorable? Let’s do more of those.
Grab the Spring Quarterly in the shop here!
What have you been enjoying this week? Any little things to share?