My 14 Goals for 2020
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Goal #1 – Take Full Advantage of Having My Husband Home 24/7
Husbands, they get stuck will all the junky projects don’t they? Yesterday the HH had the fun task of removing a large piece of cork from one of the walls in the kitchen. It took him a good three hours or so to get the walls nice and smooth for me so I could paint. Let this be a lesson to us all, never, EVER apply cork to a wall.
Goal #2 – Take Better Care of Myself.
Found a new beach, and a new heart shaped rock!
Goal #3 – Get Organized
As long as I get it all done by May 2nd, I’ll be happy. I work better under pressure anyway.
The plan was:
March 22 – 28 Paint Kitchen Walls, Trim Doors and Office Door
March 29 – April 4th – Finish Garden Beds {Raspberry & Asparagus Beds, 3 New Flower Beds Along the Back of the House}
April 5th – 11th – Paint Master Bedroom Walls, Trim and Doors
April 12th – 18th –BUY Window Treatments for Master Bedroom
April 19th – May 2nd Make Window Treatments for Sunroom
Goal #4 – Get Proper Window Coverings on All Our Windows.
I have the window treatments and hardware for the bedroom, and the fabric for the sunroom Roman shades. Time… I need more hours in a day!
Goal #5 – Master Bedroom Make Over
Since moving in we’ve removed the gross carpet, bought a bed, new nightstands, lamps, installed a new light fixture and now all that’s left is to paint the radiator {I LOVE radiator heat!} and install the curtains.
Goal #6 – Kitchen Update
The kitchen walls have been painted white! Now all that’s left is the trim and deciding on whether to paint the Dutch door white, or another color {I suggested black to go with the hardware and counters, or maybe a bright blue} but the HH thinks we should leave it alone. Which is pretty much always his answer for everything.
I’ll try and remember to get a picture so YOU can help me decide.
Goal #7 – Install Vegetable Garden
5 weeks ago the garden was a frozen brown tundra with a 4 1/2 foot high compost pile, a ridiculous amount of old stumps, boatloads of pea gravel and a mishmash of haphazardly planted beds.
Oh what a difference a few weeks make! We’ve installed 4 raised garden beds, brick garden borders, a teeny tiny stone back door landing, gotten rid of the stumps, hauled away a crazy amount of junk wood/brush, removed wheelbarrow loads of pea gravel {over to the the neighbors property and repurposed the rest}, removed the old fire pit, installed a raspberry and asparagus bed and are nearing the finish line on smoothing the compost area so we’ll be able to plant grass seed when the weather warms up in a few weeks.
No wonder we’ve been so tired at the end of each day! And while we aren’t even close to being done and it’s still too early to plant {most} vegetables, I think we’re trucking along and things are moving at a good pace. There is a light to the end of this tunnel!
This week I planted 2 rows of French breakfast radish, 2 rows of Detroit red beets and a row of lettuce in the garden boxes.
Garden To Do List for April
Figure out what to do with the old pavers.
Create 2 more brick edged flower borders.
Till up area for raspberry and asparagus beds.
Plant hydrangeas along the back of the house
Create a seating area {a super simple one}
Figure out where to put all the extra pea gravel
Level off compost area {95% there!}
Prep lawn for grass seed
Mulch flower beds
Prune yew hedges to allow for more light near the asparagus patch
Goal #8 – Explore More of Maine
Looking forward to my next day trip with the HH! Harpswell, Maine is on the list next, but it will have to wait a bit. Hopefully not to much longer!
On the radar for exploring Maine this next month:
Bar Harbor, Maine
Lincolnville Center General Store in Lincolnville, Maine
Wallace’s Market in Friendship, Maine
Alewives Fabric Store in Nobleboro, Maine
Harpswell, Maine and Bailey Island
Goal #9 – Host Some Sort of Get Together
I don’t see that happening anytime soon. But, I am enjoying listening to Derek play the piano on Instagram.
Goal #10 – Read/Listen to 12 Books
This week I’ve been listening to Robin on audiobook this week while I work on pottery. The narration, isn’t that great, but I do have a bunch of books on request, I’m just waiting my turn in the queue.
So far I have read/listened to:
Olive Kitteridge
Smitten Kitchen Every Day: Triumphant and Unfussy New Favorites
Natural Color: Vibrant Plant Dye Projects for Your Home and Wardrobe
The New Bungalow Kitchen
Container Gardening by Stephanie Donaldson
A Piece of the World
The War I Finally Won
Vertical Gardening
Front Yard Gardens
The Complete Cooking Light Cookbook
Beach House Style
Goal #11 – Learn A New Skill or Craft
Putting this one off until the fall. Who knows, it may be ME teaching someone else a new skill or a craft.
Goal #12 – Visit 12 Museums, Historical Homes or Botanical Gardens {and bakeries too!}
Currently on hold.
Maine Maritime Museum
Maine Mineral and Gem Museum
The Island Market
Cafe DiCocoa
Hungry Hollow Country Store
Two Fat Cats Bakery
Portland Museum of Art
Speckled Ax
Atlantic Baking Company
Rockland, St. George, Cushing and Port Clyde Maine
Bar Harbor and Desert Island Adventures Day One, Day Two and the Summer Cottage Rental Tour.
Tinder Hearth Bakery in Brooksville, Maine
Goal # 13 – Reach 5,000 Etsy Sales by the End of The Year
As of this morning, I have made 3562 sales on Etsy. That’s up from 2804 on January 1st. Last week I worked on dyeing wool and garden markers mostly and listed a ton of new bundles on Friday. I have pretty much given up on getting any finished pieces done until late summer/early fall. I had no idea that would happen, but I am enjoying spending time in the garden so much, I just don’t have much time right now to hook.
What little time I do have to hook, is being spent on a rug I promised to make for the local historical society for their Maine bicentennial celebration later this summer. The deadline to turn artwork in is mid May and I’m only hooking on non gardening evenings, so it’s been slow going.
Goal #14 – Once a Month Menu Planning {for 2}
I froze 2 extra portions of Split Pea and Ham soup!
Have YOU made any goals for this year? If so, DO TELL! We all want to hear about them.
Have a great Sunday everyone, enjoy sunshine.
The post Week 16 of 52 appeared first on One Hundred Dollars a Month.
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