Stuck at home or run out of options of things to do besides a walk given that everything is closed? This post has you covered with fun things to do (some indoor and some outdoor!).
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Hey AFSF readers! It’s Hannah, back again for another guest post. If you missed my first post about college being cancelled, you can read it here. I work for Teri as an assistant, and I do whatever is needed. I love having a hand in everything. Most consistently, I work on email marketing and fashion content, but it changes day-to-day and I love the variety.
Today’s post is a good one: Activities for adults staying at home. It’s somewhat strange to refer to myself as an adult, but I guess it’s true. This fall I’ll be a senior at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. I’m home for the summer, which was my plan even before it was the rest of the world’s plan too. So while I’m home, and especially now that I’ve finished my finals, I’m trying to come up with extra creative ways to spend my time.
Since it may be a little while before day-to-day activities are back to “normal” here, being creative at home is important. During this time of year, a typical day in summer would look a lot like going to a workout class, working from home for the morning, maybe going to the pool, and then out to dinner with some friends. I’m SO hopeful that those will still happen, but there are no guarantees. Coming up with some other ideas definitely helps ease my mind about being home, though.
20 Fun Indoor Activities For Adults At Home
I hope these ideas help you out a little as well! Not ALL of them are indoor activities, but they they are for sure good staying-home ideas.
1. Games
Until quarantine, I wasn’t a game-player. And while I’m not a video game person, I do love card and board games! My sister recently introduced our family to Cardinal Mexican Train Dominoes, and we’ve loved playing together after dinner. You can buy a set here. I also learned how to play Canasta on spring break. I haven’t played since then, but it’s on my list of ideas for a rainy day. All you need are playing cards, and you can find instructions online. There are tons of other games to play on Amazon. I’d love to hear what card or board games your family plays.
2. Themed dinners
This is an idea from a dear friend. Her family has been picking themes and dressing for them! They had an Italian countryside-inspired dinner, and you can imagine how special (and delicious) that would be. If you can’t go out for Italian, have Italian in! Grab your favorite meal with curbside service (mine is Kitchen Roselli near Winston-Salem), and make the whole experience happen at your home. Get dressed up and pretend it’s an actual date night out. This is the perfect time to try something like this and surprise your spouse or significant other.
I also LOVE a good charcuterie board, and that would be a fun dinner as well. Here’s a recent one I helped make. Need some more guidance? Don’t worry, Teri has a blog post all about building an amazing charcuterie board here!
3. Bubble Baths
I am an avid lover of bubble baths and what my friends and I call “robe-time”. If you have a bathtub at home, create a spa night. I mean really, like the whole shebang. Cucumbers for your eyes, fruit-infused water, a bathrobe, a book, and calming music. If you’re going to try it, fully commit. I even bought an at-home manicure kit. By opening a new body scrub or starting a new book, you could make it extra special. A bath will also help you relax and stop worrying, which I think we’re all doing a little of right now.
I know Teri loves these bath salts, this body scrub and this body butter to slather on when you’re done. Or just grab this spa kit or check out Teri’s skincare and makeup page for more inspiration of other beauty treatments you can do at home! We both love the Overnight Resurfacing Peel!
And I’m not kidding about my love for “robe-time”. I have a summer and a winter robe!
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4. Driveway Workout Class
Since I haven’t been attending workout classes like I usually would, I’ve been working out in my driveway. One of my friends meets me outside, and we do circuit workouts together (socially distanced, of course). This has been really nice and creates great accountability. I love to use the Aaptiv app and pair my phone to a bluetooth speaker. It feels like we’re in a class together and gives us a morning or mid day activity! Grab your roommates, spouse, or whoever you’re quarantined with and try it. Personally, I really need accountability for workouts, so this has been my solution. See this post for more home workout ideas.
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5. Use your Fire Pit
My family’s fire pit has never been used more than it is right now. If you have one of these, it’s a great way to have a night “out” while staying home. If you have kids, or heck, even if you don’t, make s’mores! We’ve been eating dinner outside when it’s nice and that’s been a highlight of being home.
6. Make Something New in the Kitchen
There’s no time like the present to cook up a storm and baking is always a great indoor activity! Teri has starting making bread from scratch more often and it’s inspiring me to try it. We’ll see how it goes. This bread recipe seems easy! I’ve been taking over one dinner a week for my family, and I recently made a Greek dinner. It was really fun to plan it and then spend some time cooking that evening. And of course, I love going to the grocery store when I get the chance, since that’s about the extent of where we’re going. Teri has hundreds of recipes that would be perfect to try.
I’ve been making an unnatural amount of banana bread.
7. Pick up a New Book
This is probably something you’ve already done! If you’re a young adult like me, and just finished a school year, or even if you’ve been slammed with work until the virus slowed you down, a new book is such a treat. You likely have more time than ever to start reading for fun. I especially like audiobooks. I listen to them on drives and on walks. Goodness knows how many walks I’ve taken this spring! I’ve been given a recommendation to start this podcast, too. You can see what Teri is reading here.
8. Do some much-needed chores
Not what you expected from the title of this post, right? Yeah, yikes. For me, this has been taking my car to get serviced. That always feels SO inconvenient to me and I put it off way too often. But, I’m proud to say, I dropped mine off this morning. It doesn’t sound like an activity that would be fun for adults to do while we’re at home, but once it’s done, it will feel SO good. I actually enjoy cleaning, so I’m going to organize my closet and clean it out this week! I know that isn’t fun for everyone, but I bet it would be more fun if you listened to your new audiobook while working.
9. Start a Garden
I want to do this soon! I know that I should have done this earlier if I wanted to grow a large garden, but my dad recently got a tomato plant and I’m excited about it. We’re going to make tomato pie later this summer. If you have space, even a window box could work for herbs, you could do this. This is a fun activity AND you get to reap some tasty benefits.
10. Build a fort and have a Movie Marathon
Forts aren’t only for kids, and you can get creative with building a cozy one in your living room. And one of the best parts of being a kid was having time to watch so many movies. Now you have that time again! I’ve seen friends watching all of the Marvel movies in order, or watching really old movies they hadn’t seen in years. If you make a plan out of it, it would be something to look forward to everyday. I think the key to most of these ideas is to be intentional with how you plan them. Everything is more fun when you take the time to make it special.
Other Staying-Home Ideas
Here are some other ideas for random at-home activities
11. Have a tea party
12. Celebrate Christmas in July (or May!)
13. Make thank you cards for health heroes
14. Break out that sidewalk chalk or old roller blades
15. Make a time capsule to remember this season with your family and friends
16. Play Xbox or Wii with your kids or roommates
17. Have an extended family Zoom call
18. Set up a projector and have a backyard movie night
19. Re-do your Spotify/Apple Music Playlists – see Teri’s playlists here.
20. Have breakfast in bed on a weekend
Trust me, I know what it feels like to be a little stir crazy. My best advice is to think of a few changes that you want to take with you into our new normal after this passes. For me that would be spending more time with my siblings. I also know that this break was a good way to force me to slow down. I’m grateful for the time to breathe and take some time to re-evaluate my schedule. While I want things to be back to normal as much as anyone, until then, I’m grateful for the little things.
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