Easy Ways To Prepare For Weather Emergencie
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By Neenah Payne
Power comes back for most in Texas, but other problems pile up shows how quickly Texans were thrown into life-threatening situations when the grid failed to provide enough electricity during an unusual cold snap and snow storm in mid-February when temperatures in Texas would normally be much higher.
‘Massive failure’: Why are millions of people in Texas still without power? reported on February 16:
“Power outages across Texas have left millions of people in the dark and bitter cold this week amid an unprecedented winter storm that buried the state in snow and ice and brought single-degree temperatures. Extreme energy demand and overloaded frozen utility plants are among the factors that led to the power outages, experts said.
“No matter which way you cut it, this is a massive failure for a grid and a state that holds up energy and electricity as a shining example,” said Varun Rai, director of the Energy Institute at the University of Texas-Austin. Nearly 4.5 million customers went without electricity Tuesday, and by Wednesday over 3.3 million Texans still didn’t have the lights turned on, according to poweroutage.us…. Instead of the outages being spread across neighborhoods in shorter intervals, some areas have lost power for days while others have kept it the entire time, Cohan said. .. “Far too many Texans are without power and heat for their homes as our state faces freezing temperatures and severe winter weather,” Abbott said.”
Blackouts and Food Shortages: What’s the Solution? shows how serious the situation in Texas was as stores closed. People without power also had no light after dark. They had no access to the TV, radio, or the internet. Without electricity, they had no running water and their toilets didn’t work. Since Texas is usually no colder than about 60 degrees in the winter, many Texans were not prepared to deal with temperatures in the single digits without heat, warm clothing, blankets, etc.
Various part of the US can be hit by snowstorms, hurricanes, flash floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. Grid failure is a growing threat everywhere. It’s not possible to prepare for every eventuality, but there are some easy basic preparations that can make many emergencies less life-threatening and easier to endure. It’s not a question of “if a disaster strikes”. It’s “when the next disaster strikes”. It could be anywhere, any time. Take the steps below now for peace of mind.
Let There Be Light!
Having access to light is a necessity and comfort in an emergency. If the power goes off during the day, you have time to cope. However, if the lights go off after dark and before bedtime, you need light! Having flashlights means you don’t need candles which can pose a fire hazard and burn out quickly.
The Cliplight Pivot LED Magnetic Work Light and Flashlight can be set on its stand, hung from a hook, or attached magnetically. The portable LED light emits 160 lumens, making it twice as bright as other work lights. The magnetic clip, pivot feature, rugged hook, and shockproof/ water-resistant shell make this light rugged. It has a side light and top flashlight. The three AA batteries provide 10 hours of light. Check the batteries periodically. It’s good to have a flashlight in every room, in halls, and one in the glove compartment of your car. Stock up on AA batteries now!
However, the Coleman Quad Pro 800l LED Lantern provides real flexibility and comfort for more than one person or room. The Quad has four light panels that can be used together or separately – providing members of the family in different rooms with light. The mobile charging output allows you to keep your phone and other mobile devices charged if the power is out. The lantern shines up to 800 lumens on high for up to 20 hours or 100 lumens on low for up to 400 hours,
There’s a built-in flashlight on each panel for directional light. The fold-down panel handles double as a stand. Magnetic panels provide hands-free light when attached to toolboxes, car hoods, steel-framed shelters and more. USB charging port to charge your mobile devices. Base light stays lit when panels are removed. The base is powered by 4 or 8 D batteries.
Keep the batteries separate until the light is needed so they don’t corrode. However, you will need light to put the batteries in. That’s where the flashlight will come in very handy! Buy this versatile quad light and stock up on D batteries now.
The Coleman Multi-Panel LED Lantern and this Coleman Multi-Panel LED Lantern are similar.
Also see the Coleman Duo Pro 2000032683 LED Lantern 2 take-Along Flashlight Panels.
Water Bricks Store Lots of Water Easily
People who assume there can never be any crisis, do nothing — sometimes with very devastating results. People who prepare can coast through crises more easily. There’s NO downside to being prepared and it feels so great to have what you need when a crisis hits. The thing about a crisis is that it comes up very suddenly. It’s too late to order supplies that you could have easily gotten earlier and desperately need in the emergency. So, if you take some simple steps to prepare now, you will have what you need if a crisis comes at any time.
We take access to water for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and the toilet for granted. So, when the power suddenly goes off — after light — the first thing you miss is water! Storing water in bottles is not a good idea because the water evaporates quickly. Water Bricks each hold 3.5 gallons and the water does not evaporate a drop even over years. The bricks can be stacked vertically or horizontally. They come with a handle that make them easier to move. The spigot makes pouring easier.
The Water Brick site has an Auto Brick Bundle and other containers. If you are stranded in your car, an AutoBrick Bundle will be a real comfort. The site also has Food Bricks that can be stacked with Water Bricks. The site says to have 1 gallon per person per day for drinking. It’s easy to stack 10 Water Bricks (35 gallons) in a small space – enough for a month for one person or for a week for five people. However, you will need water to cook, wash up, and clean. It says a typical family of four needs at least 56 gallons of water (16 Water Bricks) for a 2-week supply.
The Water Brick site says:
“Preparing Containers: Before filling with water, thoroughly clean the containers with dishwashing soap and water and rinse completely so there is no residual soap. Sanitize the containers by adding a quarter cup of bleach with one cup of water. Mix the sanitizing solution in the container so that it touches all surfaces. After sanitizing the bottle, thoroughly rinse out the sanitizing solution with clean water.”
FamilySurvivalPlanning.com says you need 1/2 gallon per person per day for other uses such as brushing teeth, washing dishes, etc. See the video Water Brick stackable water storage containers review.
Clearly Filtered Water Filter
Water stored in Water Bricks must be filtered because the bricks were filled with tap water that has been standing for days, weeks, months, or years. The Clearly Filtered Water Filter would be ideal. I use it now to filter water for my HydroFloss.
The Clearly Filtered Water Filter is much better than Brita because it removes fluoride (a neurotoxin) and lots of other contaminants, but (unlike distillers) leaves in the good minerals. It has 5 stars with 1,214 reviews on Amazon.
The site says:
The Most Powerful Water Pitcher on the Market. Traditionally, water pitchers have not been serious filtration devices. The Clearly Filtered® Water Pitcher with Affinity® Filtration Technology removes an average of 99.7% of 232+ dangerous tap water contaminants. That’s more than the 3 leading brand name pitchers combined.
Only pitcher independently tested to NSF standards. Removes Fluoride, Lead, BPA, Glyphosate, PFOAs, Hormones & over 220 of the most harmful tap water impurities. Retains the natural minerals & nutrients.100% BPA Free medical-grade Tritan materials. Average filter life: 100 gallons (replace every 4 months* on average).”
Note: After you filter the water, refrigerate it or drink or cook with it immediately. Since the chlorine is removed, pathogens can enter if the water is left unattended for long.
Water Treatment and Purification
See How To Store Water for tips on how much water you need, how to store it, and treat it.
The Water Brick site points out:
If you have used all of your stored water and there are no other reliable clean water sources, it may become necessary in an emergency situation to treat suspicious water. Treat all water of uncertain quality before using it for drinking, food washing or preparation, washing dishes, brushing teeth or making ice. In addition to having a bad odor and taste, contaminated water can contain microorganisms (germs) that cause diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis.
There are many ways to treat water. None is perfect. Often the best solution is a combination of methods. Make sure you have the necessary materials in your disaster supplies kit for the chosen water treatment method. Before treating, let any suspended particles settle to the bottom or strain them through coffee filters or layers of clean cloth.
Katadyne has many filters that can be used with containers like WaterBrick.
Katadyne MicroPur Tablets: The Only EPA Registered Purification Tablets on the Market and the only disinfection system effective against viruses, bacteria, cryptosporidium, and Giardia. No unpleasant taste.
Water Preserver: Treats 50-55 gallons of water. EPA approved. The water will remain fresh for up to 5 years. No need to rotate the stored water every 6 months if a water treatment preserver is added.
FEMA’s Food and Water in an Emergency Brochure provides more information on water treatment methods on page 11. It points out that if an earthquake, hurricane, winter storm, or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks. So, preparing now will give you the peace of mind you need to get through those very trying times.
Click here for more information about storing water.
Food Storage For 25 Years
When a crisis hits, it’s a great feeling to have food on hand and not be caught short when the grocery stores are closed, out of food, or you can’t get to them.
4 Patriots provides food that is good for up to 25 years! 72-Hour Food Kits would also be great for a car.
Grow Nutritious Sprouts Now
Grow Organic Food Easily At Home Now! shows several ways to grow sprouts. You can harvest fresh greens in a week. If you plant several trays on staggered days with different sprouts, you can have a variety of fresh nutritious greens during a blackout! Start growing sprouts now so you will know how. See my Urban Gardens Revolution site for more information.
Solar Generator Powers Your Home!
4 Patriots has several solar power options that could be critical in an emergency.
Their solar generator can power your refrigerator and keep your food safe.
The must-see video below shows how the solar generator can power your entire home.
The video and site show that you get 12 amazing gifts when you order the generator!
Solar Radio
Access to critical information is essential in a crisis. Without electricity, you won’t have TV or the internet. The solar radio assures you access to information and you can use it to power your cellphone.
The radio is easy to carry from room to room or if you have to bug out.
The video below explains you can recharge the radio multiple ways.
First Aid Kit
There are lots of First Aid Kits of various sizes and prices on Amazon.
This is also smart to have in a car.
If you are in a situation where you need ammunition, you may be interested in the AmmoBrick.
“AmmoBrick Stackable Ammo Storage Container: 1.6 Gallon container holds up to 1,000 ammo rounds (based on .223 round 57lbs). Made of rugged, high density polyethylene (HDPE). These unique ammo containers, unlike any other, can hold ammo and other life essentials while adding value by stacking up to 2 feet for maximum efficient storage.
AmmoBrick can interlock and stack with WaterBrick and FoodBrick making it a unique water, food and ammo storage system; unlike no other. AmmoBrick provides an air tight and moisture resistant seal. Holds loose and boxed Ammo for all of your Ammo Storage needs.”
Paper Products
Having enough paper products can be a source of comfort as well – toilet paper, Kleenex, diapers, etc. Getting the Kleenex Trusted Care Facial Tissues, 18 Rectangular Boxes shipped periodically means you are less likely to run out during an emergency. The order has 190 tissues per box for 3,420 tissues total. Get toilet paper and paper towels in bulk too.
Cash Is Still King
If banks close and/or credit cards are not accepted, it’s great to have some cash on hand for food and medical supplies. The Federal Reserve is Preparing for a Massive Market Crash and Credit Freeze shows how dicey the situation is now. Have enough cash at home to cover your needs for a week or more.
This article is not intended to be an exhaustive list of supplies everyone needs in an emergency. Families with babies and/or elderly members have additional needs. People with medical needs must take those into account in planning. Let this article just jumpstart your thinking about the things you need to get NOW to be comfortable in the next crisis.
Top image credit
#NeenahPayne #EmergencySurvival #Preparedness #Video #Weather

By Neenah Payne
Power comes back for most in Texas, but other problems pile up shows how quickly Texans were thrown into life-threatening situations when the grid failed to provide enough electricity during an unusual cold snap and snow storm in mid-February when temperatures in Texas would normally be much higher.
‘Massive failure’: Why are millions of people in Texas still without power? reported on February 16:
“Power outages across Texas have left millions of people in the dark and bitter cold this week amid an unprecedented winter storm that buried the state in snow and ice and brought single-degree temperatures. Extreme energy demand and overloaded frozen utility plants are among the factors that led to the power outages, experts said.
“No matter which way you cut it, this is a massive failure for a grid and a state that holds up energy and electricity as a shining example,” said Varun Rai, director of the Energy Institute at the University of Texas-Austin. Nearly 4.5 million customers went without electricity Tuesday, and by Wednesday over 3.3 million Texans still didn’t have the lights turned on, according to poweroutage.us…. Instead of the outages being spread across neighborhoods in shorter intervals, some areas have lost power for days while others have kept it the entire time, Cohan said. .. “Far too many Texans are without power and heat for their homes as our state faces freezing temperatures and severe winter weather,” Abbott said.”
Blackouts and Food Shortages: What’s the Solution? shows how serious the situation in Texas was as stores closed. People without power also had no light after dark. They had no access to the TV, radio, or the internet. Without electricity, they had no running water and their toilets didn’t work. Since Texas is usually no colder than about 60 degrees in the winter, many Texans were not prepared to deal with temperatures in the single digits without heat, warm clothing, blankets, etc.
Various part of the US can be hit by snowstorms, hurricanes, flash floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. Grid failure is a growing threat everywhere. It’s not possible to prepare for every eventuality, but there are some easy basic preparations that can make many emergencies less life-threatening and easier to endure. It’s not a question of “if a disaster strikes”. It’s “when the next disaster strikes”. It could be anywhere, any time. Take the steps below now for peace of mind.
Let There Be Light!
Having access to light is a necessity and comfort in an emergency. If the power goes off during the day, you have time to cope. However, if the lights go off after dark and before bedtime, you need light! Having flashlights means you don’t need candles which can pose a fire hazard and burn out quickly.
The Cliplight Pivot LED Magnetic Work Light and Flashlight can be set on its stand, hung from a hook, or attached magnetically. The portable LED light emits 160 lumens, making it twice as bright as other work lights. The magnetic clip, pivot feature, rugged hook, and shockproof/ water-resistant shell make this light rugged. It has a side light and top flashlight. The three AA batteries provide 10 hours of light. Check the batteries periodically. It’s good to have a flashlight in every room, in halls, and one in the glove compartment of your car. Stock up on AA batteries now!
However, the Coleman Quad Pro 800l LED Lantern provides real flexibility and comfort for more than one person or room. The Quad has four light panels that can be used together or separately – providing members of the family in different rooms with light. The mobile charging output allows you to keep your phone and other mobile devices charged if the power is out. The lantern shines up to 800 lumens on high for up to 20 hours or 100 lumens on low for up to 400 hours,
There’s a built-in flashlight on each panel for directional light. The fold-down panel handles double as a stand. Magnetic panels provide hands-free light when attached to toolboxes, car hoods, steel-framed shelters and more. USB charging port to charge your mobile devices. Base light stays lit when panels are removed. The base is powered by 4 or 8 D batteries.
Keep the batteries separate until the light is needed so they don’t corrode. However, you will need light to put the batteries in. That’s where the flashlight will come in very handy! Buy this versatile quad light and stock up on D batteries now.
The Coleman Multi-Panel LED Lantern and this Coleman Multi-Panel LED Lantern are similar.
Also see the Coleman Duo Pro 2000032683 LED Lantern 2 take-Along Flashlight Panels.
Water Bricks Store Lots of Water Easily
People who assume there can never be any crisis, do nothing — sometimes with very devastating results. People who prepare can coast through crises more easily. There’s NO downside to being prepared and it feels so great to have what you need when a crisis hits. The thing about a crisis is that it comes up very suddenly. It’s too late to order supplies that you could have easily gotten earlier and desperately need in the emergency. So, if you take some simple steps to prepare now, you will have what you need if a crisis comes at any time.
We take access to water for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and the toilet for granted. So, when the power suddenly goes off — after light — the first thing you miss is water! Storing water in bottles is not a good idea because the water evaporates quickly. Water Bricks each hold 3.5 gallons and the water does not evaporate a drop even over years. The bricks can be stacked vertically or horizontally. They come with a handle that make them easier to move. The spigot makes pouring easier.
The Water Brick site has an Auto Brick Bundle and other containers. If you are stranded in your car, an AutoBrick Bundle will be a real comfort. The site also has Food Bricks that can be stacked with Water Bricks. The site says to have 1 gallon per person per day for drinking. It’s easy to stack 10 Water Bricks (35 gallons) in a small space – enough for a month for one person or for a week for five people. However, you will need water to cook, wash up, and clean. It says a typical family of four needs at least 56 gallons of water (16 Water Bricks) for a 2-week supply.
The Water Brick site says:
“Preparing Containers: Before filling with water, thoroughly clean the containers with dishwashing soap and water and rinse completely so there is no residual soap. Sanitize the containers by adding a quarter cup of bleach with one cup of water. Mix the sanitizing solution in the container so that it touches all surfaces. After sanitizing the bottle, thoroughly rinse out the sanitizing solution with clean water.”
FamilySurvivalPlanning.com says you need 1/2 gallon per person per day for other uses such as brushing teeth, washing dishes, etc. See the video Water Brick stackable water storage containers review.
Clearly Filtered Water Filter
Water stored in Water Bricks must be filtered because the bricks were filled with tap water that has been standing for days, weeks, months, or years. The Clearly Filtered Water Filter would be ideal. I use it now to filter water for my HydroFloss.
The Clearly Filtered Water Filter is much better than Brita because it removes fluoride (a neurotoxin) and lots of other contaminants, but (unlike distillers) leaves in the good minerals. It has 5 stars with 1,214 reviews on Amazon.
The site says:
The Most Powerful Water Pitcher on the Market. Traditionally, water pitchers have not been serious filtration devices. The Clearly Filtered® Water Pitcher with Affinity® Filtration Technology removes an average of 99.7% of 232+ dangerous tap water contaminants. That’s more than the 3 leading brand name pitchers combined.
Only pitcher independently tested to NSF standards. Removes Fluoride, Lead, BPA, Glyphosate, PFOAs, Hormones & over 220 of the most harmful tap water impurities. Retains the natural minerals & nutrients.100% BPA Free medical-grade Tritan materials. Average filter life: 100 gallons (replace every 4 months* on average).”
Note: After you filter the water, refrigerate it or drink or cook with it immediately. Since the chlorine is removed, pathogens can enter if the water is left unattended for long.
Water Treatment and Purification
See How To Store Water for tips on how much water you need, how to store it, and treat it.
The Water Brick site points out:
If you have used all of your stored water and there are no other reliable clean water sources, it may become necessary in an emergency situation to treat suspicious water. Treat all water of uncertain quality before using it for drinking, food washing or preparation, washing dishes, brushing teeth or making ice. In addition to having a bad odor and taste, contaminated water can contain microorganisms (germs) that cause diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis.
There are many ways to treat water. None is perfect. Often the best solution is a combination of methods. Make sure you have the necessary materials in your disaster supplies kit for the chosen water treatment method. Before treating, let any suspended particles settle to the bottom or strain them through coffee filters or layers of clean cloth.
Katadyne has many filters that can be used with containers like WaterBrick.
Katadyne MicroPur Tablets: The Only EPA Registered Purification Tablets on the Market and the only disinfection system effective against viruses, bacteria, cryptosporidium, and Giardia. No unpleasant taste.
Water Preserver: Treats 50-55 gallons of water. EPA approved. The water will remain fresh for up to 5 years. No need to rotate the stored water every 6 months if a water treatment preserver is added.
FEMA’s Food and Water in an Emergency Brochure provides more information on water treatment methods on page 11. It points out that if an earthquake, hurricane, winter storm, or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks. So, preparing now will give you the peace of mind you need to get through those very trying times.
Click here for more information about storing water.
Food Storage For 25 Years
When a crisis hits, it’s a great feeling to have food on hand and not be caught short when the grocery stores are closed, out of food, or you can’t get to them.
4 Patriots provides food that is good for up to 25 years! 72-Hour Food Kits would also be great for a car.
Grow Nutritious Sprouts Now
Grow Organic Food Easily At Home Now! shows several ways to grow sprouts. You can harvest fresh greens in a week. If you plant several trays on staggered days with different sprouts, you can have a variety of fresh nutritious greens during a blackout! Start growing sprouts now so you will know how. See my Urban Gardens Revolution site for more information.
Solar Generator Powers Your Home!
4 Patriots has several solar power options that could be critical in an emergency.
Their solar generator can power your refrigerator and keep your food safe.
The must-see video below shows how the solar generator can power your entire home.
The video and site show that you get 12 amazing gifts when you order the generator!
Solar Radio
Access to critical information is essential in a crisis. Without electricity, you won’t have TV or the internet. The solar radio assures you access to information and you can use it to power your cellphone.
The radio is easy to carry from room to room or if you have to bug out.
The video below explains you can recharge the radio multiple ways.
First Aid Kit
There are lots of First Aid Kits of various sizes and prices on Amazon.
This is also smart to have in a car.
If you are in a situation where you need ammunition, you may be interested in the AmmoBrick.
“AmmoBrick Stackable Ammo Storage Container: 1.6 Gallon container holds up to 1,000 ammo rounds (based on .223 round 57lbs). Made of rugged, high density polyethylene (HDPE). These unique ammo containers, unlike any other, can hold ammo and other life essentials while adding value by stacking up to 2 feet for maximum efficient storage.
AmmoBrick can interlock and stack with WaterBrick and FoodBrick making it a unique water, food and ammo storage system; unlike no other. AmmoBrick provides an air tight and moisture resistant seal. Holds loose and boxed Ammo for all of your Ammo Storage needs.”
Paper Products
Having enough paper products can be a source of comfort as well – toilet paper, Kleenex, diapers, etc. Getting the Kleenex Trusted Care Facial Tissues, 18 Rectangular Boxes shipped periodically means you are less likely to run out during an emergency. The order has 190 tissues per box for 3,420 tissues total. Get toilet paper and paper towels in bulk too.
Cash Is Still King
If banks close and/or credit cards are not accepted, it’s great to have some cash on hand for food and medical supplies. The Federal Reserve is Preparing for a Massive Market Crash and Credit Freeze shows how dicey the situation is now. Have enough cash at home to cover your needs for a week or more.
This article is not intended to be an exhaustive list of supplies everyone needs in an emergency. Families with babies and/or elderly members have additional needs. People with medical needs must take those into account in planning. Let this article just jumpstart your thinking about the things you need to get NOW to be comfortable in the next crisis.
Top image credit
#NeenahPayne #EmergencySurvival #Preparedness #Video #Weather

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