They told you that running was an inexpensive sport, didn’t they? They said that all you need are a good pair of shoes and you’re good to go, right? Somehow they forgot to mention the beautiful outfits, the compression socks, the sunglasses, or even...
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They told you that running was an inexpensive sport, didn’t they? They said that all you need are a good pair of shoes and you’re good to go, right? Somehow they forgot to mention the beautiful outfits, the compression socks, the sunglasses, or even how much those simple running shoes can cost. And don’t get me started about ‘destination races.” You’re in luck today, though. Here are 5 fitness and running tools that you need (and that won’t break the bank).
This post contains affiliate links.
Is running expensive? Or not?. It depends on who you ask. But here are 5 fitness and running tools that you need (and that won't break the bank.Click To Tweet
5 Fitness and Running Tools You Need (that won’t break the bank)
After the first round of running clothing and accessory purchases, it’s time to invest in fitness and running tools you need that will help you stay strong, feel good, and avoid injury. Here are some of my favorite choices that won’t break the bank.
Body Care Tools: Omron Tens
In December I received an Omron Avail Tens Unit to try out. Then COVID came along and, well it was put aside. Now that I’m feeling better and I’m back to running, I was given the perfect opportunity to put it to the test when I suddenly felt some discomfort in my inner thigh/groin area. In all of my years of running, I’ve never had a groin strain, so of course, the first thing I did was ask Dr. Google. One of the recommendations for pain reduction, along with icing and rest, was the use of electrical stimulation (TENS). Well, I thought, I can do that!
Let me say first that I really didn’t think I had a groin strain. I first felt it when I stood up after sitting for a while (this aging stuff isn’t for the weak!), then noticed it again on my long run the next day. It wasn’t a sharp pain, but there was enough discomfort for me to pay attention.
To use the Omron Avail Tens you download an app, connect via Bluetooth, then follow the directions depending on where you plan to place the pads. Since “groin” wasn’t an option, I placed the pad at the top of my adductor muscles, right where I felt the pain. I set the timer for 30 minutes and adjusted the pulse.
I was quite surprised that I felt relief after the very first time. The discomfort was almost gone! I used the Omron Avail again the next day and after that, I felt no discomfort at all. That was several weeks ago and it hasn’t returned.
I’ve also used the Avail on my arthritic thumbs. My thumbs hurt all. the. time. Not severe pain but enough to notice and inhibit my strength and the use of my hands. I have arthritis in both thumbs but I decided to try using the Tens on one side first, just to see if I could compare and notice changes. It took a few days but I definitely noticed some pain relief in the thumb so I started using it on both.
I’ve noticed a difference in both my arthritis pain as well as some of the other running aches and pains I occasionally feel. Unfortunately, when I first sat down to write this post a few weeks ago I discovered that the Omron Avail is no longer available! So while I would recommend it, you will need to try one of the other Omron Tens Units. Check out Wendy’s review on two Omron Tens products that are still available.
Cost: $45 to $150
Body Care Tool: Theragun Mini
I use my Theragun Mini every day before I put on my running shoes. It’s great for movement prep as well as post-workout recovery. I’ve even used it mid-workout (not usually running but for strength workouts). I love the convenient size and the fact that it is much quieter than my other Theragun (an older model, they keep making the new ones quieter and quieter) while offering just as much power. Read my full review here. If you are interested in saving 10% on a new Theragun, email me or let me know in the comments and I’ll send you a code.
Cost: $199 before your 10% discount.
Body Care Tools: Intelliroll
I tried the Intelliroll for the first time when I attended a class about four years ago at the IDEA Convention taught by Dr. K, its creator. It’s been my go-to ever since. I love the design that helps target various muscle groups. Instead of just a “roller,” the Intelliroll has contours and a “spinal zone” which helps you dig deeper where you need to and protect areas like the spine. Check out my interview with Dr. K about the importance of foam rolling for runners and save 10% on your purchase with the code COACHDEBBIE at Intelliroll.
Cost: $30-$55 before your 10% discount.
Fitness Tool: TRX Suspension Trainer
The TRX Suspension Trainer is one of my all-time favorite exercise tools. As a certified instructor, we like to say “all core all the time” when we talk about working out on the TRX because every single exercise involves stabilizing and working your core muscles. All you need is a place to hook it up and you’re good to go. I’ve used a tree, my patio, a baseball backstop, and even a doorway, making it really easy to find and use the TRX.
In addition to strengthening your core, working out with the TRX also helps your balance, improves your mobility, and assists with proprioception (knowing where your body is in space). Here is how the TRX can help you be a better runner. Save 10% on your TRX Suspension Trainer with the code AMB10OFF.
Cost: $160-$200 before your 10% off.
Running Tools: Road ID
I first learned about ROADiD back in 2007(ish). Alan and I were on a casual century bike ride with friends and acquaintances. One of the cyclists crashed hit his head and was unconscious. We called 911 but he wasn’t carrying any identification and no one knew his last name.
Eventually, it was sorted out and his wife was notified. A friend who was on that ride told me about ROADiD and went home and order one for Alan and myself that same day. And I’ve been wearing one ever since. Because of that, I was thrilled when a few years ago I was invited to be a part of the first team of ROADiD Ambassadors. Now I’m back for my third year and I’m still just as excited.
Remember that ROADiD is not just for athletes. They are also perfect for children, people of any age that have medical issues that emergency personnel should know about, and even dogs. And right now, through February 26, you can save 25% on your purchase with the code COACHDEBBIERUNS. (That discount code will work on and off throughout the year except when a sale is underway.)
At ROADiD we like to say, “It’s not just a piece of gear, it’s peace of mind.”
Cost: $25-$40 before your 25% discount.
Here are some of my other gear recommendations
Coach Debbie Recommends: My Favorite Running Gear, Clothing, Fuel, and More
My Favorite Body Care Tools
Running Accessories that Will Improve Your Run
Running Necessities: Tools, Gear, and More to Get You Ready to Run
5 Safety Tools that will Make You More Secure
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Linkup with the #RunnersRoundup with @DeborahBrooks14, @milebymilerun, @runningwithpugs, @lauranorrisrun and me! Bring your best #runningrelated posts, find new blogs to follow, and share your love of #running! Click To Tweet
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Meatless Monday with Sarah and Deborah
Inspire Me Monday with Janet
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, Laura, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
- Running tips, workouts, plant based recipes for a healthy life - Coach Debbie Runs
#Coaching #Running #RunningTips #Runners'Roundup #FitnessGear

This post contains affiliate links.
Is running expensive? Or not?. It depends on who you ask. But here are 5 fitness and running tools that you need (and that won't break the bank.Click To Tweet
5 Fitness and Running Tools You Need (that won’t break the bank)
After the first round of running clothing and accessory purchases, it’s time to invest in fitness and running tools you need that will help you stay strong, feel good, and avoid injury. Here are some of my favorite choices that won’t break the bank.
Body Care Tools: Omron Tens
In December I received an Omron Avail Tens Unit to try out. Then COVID came along and, well it was put aside. Now that I’m feeling better and I’m back to running, I was given the perfect opportunity to put it to the test when I suddenly felt some discomfort in my inner thigh/groin area. In all of my years of running, I’ve never had a groin strain, so of course, the first thing I did was ask Dr. Google. One of the recommendations for pain reduction, along with icing and rest, was the use of electrical stimulation (TENS). Well, I thought, I can do that!
Let me say first that I really didn’t think I had a groin strain. I first felt it when I stood up after sitting for a while (this aging stuff isn’t for the weak!), then noticed it again on my long run the next day. It wasn’t a sharp pain, but there was enough discomfort for me to pay attention.
To use the Omron Avail Tens you download an app, connect via Bluetooth, then follow the directions depending on where you plan to place the pads. Since “groin” wasn’t an option, I placed the pad at the top of my adductor muscles, right where I felt the pain. I set the timer for 30 minutes and adjusted the pulse.
I was quite surprised that I felt relief after the very first time. The discomfort was almost gone! I used the Omron Avail again the next day and after that, I felt no discomfort at all. That was several weeks ago and it hasn’t returned.
I’ve also used the Avail on my arthritic thumbs. My thumbs hurt all. the. time. Not severe pain but enough to notice and inhibit my strength and the use of my hands. I have arthritis in both thumbs but I decided to try using the Tens on one side first, just to see if I could compare and notice changes. It took a few days but I definitely noticed some pain relief in the thumb so I started using it on both.
I’ve noticed a difference in both my arthritis pain as well as some of the other running aches and pains I occasionally feel. Unfortunately, when I first sat down to write this post a few weeks ago I discovered that the Omron Avail is no longer available! So while I would recommend it, you will need to try one of the other Omron Tens Units. Check out Wendy’s review on two Omron Tens products that are still available.
Cost: $45 to $150
Body Care Tool: Theragun Mini
I use my Theragun Mini every day before I put on my running shoes. It’s great for movement prep as well as post-workout recovery. I’ve even used it mid-workout (not usually running but for strength workouts). I love the convenient size and the fact that it is much quieter than my other Theragun (an older model, they keep making the new ones quieter and quieter) while offering just as much power. Read my full review here. If you are interested in saving 10% on a new Theragun, email me or let me know in the comments and I’ll send you a code.
Cost: $199 before your 10% discount.
Body Care Tools: Intelliroll
I tried the Intelliroll for the first time when I attended a class about four years ago at the IDEA Convention taught by Dr. K, its creator. It’s been my go-to ever since. I love the design that helps target various muscle groups. Instead of just a “roller,” the Intelliroll has contours and a “spinal zone” which helps you dig deeper where you need to and protect areas like the spine. Check out my interview with Dr. K about the importance of foam rolling for runners and save 10% on your purchase with the code COACHDEBBIE at Intelliroll.
Cost: $30-$55 before your 10% discount.
Fitness Tool: TRX Suspension Trainer
The TRX Suspension Trainer is one of my all-time favorite exercise tools. As a certified instructor, we like to say “all core all the time” when we talk about working out on the TRX because every single exercise involves stabilizing and working your core muscles. All you need is a place to hook it up and you’re good to go. I’ve used a tree, my patio, a baseball backstop, and even a doorway, making it really easy to find and use the TRX.
In addition to strengthening your core, working out with the TRX also helps your balance, improves your mobility, and assists with proprioception (knowing where your body is in space). Here is how the TRX can help you be a better runner. Save 10% on your TRX Suspension Trainer with the code AMB10OFF.
Cost: $160-$200 before your 10% off.
Running Tools: Road ID
I first learned about ROADiD back in 2007(ish). Alan and I were on a casual century bike ride with friends and acquaintances. One of the cyclists crashed hit his head and was unconscious. We called 911 but he wasn’t carrying any identification and no one knew his last name.
Eventually, it was sorted out and his wife was notified. A friend who was on that ride told me about ROADiD and went home and order one for Alan and myself that same day. And I’ve been wearing one ever since. Because of that, I was thrilled when a few years ago I was invited to be a part of the first team of ROADiD Ambassadors. Now I’m back for my third year and I’m still just as excited.
Remember that ROADiD is not just for athletes. They are also perfect for children, people of any age that have medical issues that emergency personnel should know about, and even dogs. And right now, through February 26, you can save 25% on your purchase with the code COACHDEBBIERUNS. (That discount code will work on and off throughout the year except when a sale is underway.)
At ROADiD we like to say, “It’s not just a piece of gear, it’s peace of mind.”
Cost: $25-$40 before your 25% discount.
Here are some of my other gear recommendations
Coach Debbie Recommends: My Favorite Running Gear, Clothing, Fuel, and More
My Favorite Body Care Tools
Running Accessories that Will Improve Your Run
Running Necessities: Tools, Gear, and More to Get You Ready to Run
5 Safety Tools that will Make You More Secure
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Linkup with the #RunnersRoundup with @DeborahBrooks14, @milebymilerun, @runningwithpugs, @lauranorrisrun and me! Bring your best #runningrelated posts, find new blogs to follow, and share your love of #running! Click To Tweet
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Meatless Monday with Sarah and Deborah
Inspire Me Monday with Janet
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, Laura, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
- Running tips, workouts, plant based recipes for a healthy life - Coach Debbie Runs
#Coaching #Running #RunningTips #Runners'Roundup #FitnessGear

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